Benson Mediation, Arbitration, Workplace Investigation

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"Revive All the Lawyers"

Jennifer Senior, in her review of Preet Baharara’s new book, Doing Justice, A Prosecutor’s Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and the Rule of Law highlights what she calls his inspired and slightly perverse idea about how to salvage public discourse in 2019: We should take our cues from American criminal trials, in which both parties are obliged to consider flaws in their own arguments and understand the mind-set of the other side. Assertions must be evidence based; research must be rigorous; decorum is paramount. “You can’t call your adversary a ‘low-I.Q. person’” he notes. “You can’t argue the prosecution is political; and you can’t make sweeping biased statements.” And Senior suggests that the first thing we do to turn things around is “revive all the lawyers.” Indeed!

It should be no surprise that it was easy for me to relate Baharara’s views to mediation. A willingness to critically examine one’s own reasoning and logic, a commitment to civility and respect for others and the ability to listen with the aim to understand are not fuzzy or naïve ideas; instead, they are at the heart of any effective system designed to resolve conflict.